Amy Winehouse was found dead in her apartment at 27. Not a surprise. At all. Her troubles were well documented, both by the media and by Amy herself. But she was talented. Extremely talented. Her issues added to the expression of that talent and then eventually eclipsed it. But this is not a new story. Countless entertainer have done this. And countless more will ignore the messages in their rise and always tragic fall.
I've worked in entertainment. I grew up in LA and around entertainment. It may not look like it now, but it really is my life and my calling. In what capacity at this point, I don't know. But I have learned something that about entertainers. A large amount to them come into this industry seeking all of the things they THINK will solve their problems. It plays out in a number of ways. Living a life of excess so you always appear to be "great", whoring around so you always feel "loved", over eating, starving yourself nearly to death, and the one that usually ends a persons career, addiction.
Despite the warnings of terrible traffic, hours of delays and hot headed Angelenos, Carmageddon was AMAZING!! The traffic was great, the local events, malls and shops were full and people were really enjoying themselves. Friendly even. LOL
Truth be told, there shouldn't have been any of those issues after a couple months of warnings that turned into marketing and an international news story. The reason we expected problems...people don't listen and people in LA tend to be a bit entitled. We all expected those people to pitch a fit when they couldn't get where they needed to go. I think all of those people got spooked and left town. Great, let's do this again! Venice is a bear, the 110 is old and crusty, PCH could use a little widening in spots. Don't you have something you could shut down and fix Los Angeles?
I had a great time this weekend and here's a bit (well, a lot) of the fun. Starting with the Eat Real Fest!
My girls Devyn, Shay and Leslie were in town so we went to see our friend and favorite actor, Darryl Stephens in a wonderful play called The Interlopers. Great performances all around. Laughed, cried, rooted for the characters. this was great theater. Not "Your Arms Too Long to Touch Dance With Jesus Cause You Might Sock Moses In The Face" kind of theater either. LOL
Then we headed over to Kitchen 24 for a later dinner. I love that place. It's one of my favorities! And they make a mean cocktail to boot...
I stopped off for a little walking recovery at the nail spa...
Today, on the day when most escaped Angelenos were coming back into town and crowding the freeways, I went to ART IN THE STREETS!! Seriously, if you haven't been yet or it comes to your city, see it! It's amazing...
I ended my day satisfying my craving for Vegan Hot Wings (with Orange Chicken and Spinach Fried Rice) at Bulan Thai in Silverlake. Mmmm mmm good...