Ok, so I've seen tons of crazy products surface lately. It's become big business to sell things on TV to middle America and watch the cash roll in. Most of these products cost little to nothing to produce, but when combined with kitschy marketing they become big sensations. Even when we laugh at the commercials, some of us will still buy it. Hellooooo Snuggie! Still, there are somethings I just can NOT believe are real, but they are. Here's couple of my favorite crazy, sure to make money, ideas!
THE RACKTRAP!: The name alone is just wrong. And the ad tells you to "ditch your purse" but my bag is always huge and full. I know my boobs are big, but they ain't that big! LOL Oh, and if you go to the website www.theracktrap.com, you can take a look at the instructions (complete with video) that starts with "locate your breast" and instructs you to place this little thing "between your cup and your breast". Um, ooooookay...
Here's one of my personal favorites BOOTY POP! No explanation needed...
I mean really, who is wearing this mess?!?!?! LOL
If you've seen the commercial, you know this thing basically pours warm water through one nostril and out the other. I know that there are legit medical treatment that do the same. But, really...do you want to buy this from a TV commercial?
This could really go on forever...there are some really strange things out there. But I just thought I'd share the laughs...
Just a general rule...RUN when you see the word "whimsical"! LMAO And it's a best seller...
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