Ok, I haven't blogged in a while. To the few people that check these, sorry 'bout that. I will get back to it soon and very soon. However, there's something I just have to get off my chest...
it is my sincere wish and prayer for 2010 that folks will MIND THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS! Stop being nosy under the guise of being helpful or protective. We know that is NOT the case. We know you just don't have a life of your own, so you're fascinated by everyone else's.
I've also noticed that nosy ass people are usually the one trying to make everything about them. They pry so they can then tell everything THEY did and said. It makes them feel important (in their own minds). It normally goes like this. "So and so went to the doctor"..."Oh, well I told them they should go. And I said that it's probably ____." I, I, I, I, I...I'm getting annoyed.